Monday, December 16, 2013

I saw Sabrina10000!

Today must be my lucky day!!! I saw Sabrina10000! :) Don't believe me? Here's some pics! 
Someone was on her Username, so I couldn't show it, so here's one of her IDfone... 
I was going to add her, (You never know! She could accept) But by the time I was done taking the pics she went poof! :( Oh, well. Anyways, Ally, can you add this to the celebrities page please? :) 
Oh, and by the way, when I went on the Chat box today, someone had said mean stuff about fantage ally cats, it was really rude, I was going to ban the person but they weren't on anymore. :( 



  1. Its okey about the person its just a stupid no life person i saw on the chatbox can you kick them i feel like crying tbh but irdgaf if only i knew her/him in real life you dont know what i would do and i will add it later :3

  2. ROFL I think I know what you would do ally, kick there a**!


    1. Haha, I will most DEFINATELY kick them next time I see the person on the Chat Box. Try to control your anger against them though, ally, And don't be sad, this blog got over 4,000 hits in about less than a month, and it's probably some wannabe, trying to get attention!


    2. Howd you know omge you read my mind lmao
