Monday, June 9, 2014

My fantage story?

hello im ally here is my fantage story.
i made my first ever account ( prettypink something) in 2011, then one month in 2012 i decided to quit or maybe take a long break. I had forgot my password and numbers to the user so that pretty sucked ( i came back in march 2013 ) the day fairy5673 came along. I was kinda lost i had no items expect for my newbie clothing. I didnt mind for that because they were pretty cute.One day in march I got a membership and met my first ever buddy to fairy5673 her user was aquiroz, now lets skip along with that. When i started getting used to trade n sell i got mainly items that were pop and i felt awesome. Here comes along with the scammers, pretty much 6 people tried to scam me but i didnt let them in fact i was too smart to believe them ( i will never ever let anyone make me go first its either you or no one. " trust no one". After all of that.. oh wait i forgot to mention my 2nd bestfriend marisol ( first was aquiroz ) we used to be great friends but now i feel like a jerk being rude to her after all that trading selling i wanted to say sorry and be best friends again but i didnt have the chance. 
well after i started to go on blogs like fantage ducks and hot chocolate which both were sadly deleted I had met potato on hot chocolate and i actually thought she was pretty cool even though i had started to stop liking people after all that drama. On august I made my first fantage instagram all those months i met awesome people but some quit and others got drama near me so i started to not like people anymore but I then got over it.

oki so i will post part two tomororw because this is so long LOl but rhanks for reading if you did. :)

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