Monday, December 30, 2013


        Hey guys I know I haven't been on lately but I'm back. :3

~ potato

Sunday, December 29, 2013

My Inventory (part 3)



Face accessories
Hair accessories

Saturday, December 28, 2013

My Inventory (part 2)

Pants/Shorts etc.

Quick Tip: If you click on the picture it'll make it bigger :) 
I'll do the rest of my Inventory tomorrow. If I do the rest all in one post that would make a pretty long page. 


Friday, December 27, 2013

My Inventory

I just thought of something! Okay so, I could show you my inventory! Hair today, tops tomorrow, and so on! :) I have a pretty big Inventory, so I can't show it all in one post. So I'll just do hair for now.... 
By the way if you can't see it very well, then you can just click on the picture to see it larger! :)

Save Fantage Hot Chocolate!

Ice, from fantage Hot Chocolate deleted her blog! But then, the Co-owner Ceindrina, Un-deleted it, and Ice, might even quit fantage! Comment below if you don't want her to quit and delete Fantage Hot Chocolate again! Click here for the link to fantage Hot Chocolate: Please help fantage Hot Chocolate reach 50k views by visiting their blog often, (Ice might not delete the blog again if they get 50k views!!!) That's all for now! And Merry Christmas!!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Editing my fantagian/merry christmas!

Merry christmas guys comment things your getting for christmas im not sure what im getting xP well i hope you guys have a great christmas! and a awesome new year
show that christmas spirit xD pics are from my instagram fantageally

Christmas eve! :)

Here's a Christmas Eve poem for you guys! 
It's Christmas Eve,
 The day before Christmas you know,
It's a day to laugh, a day to cry,
 Snowflakes land on your tongue,
You can even build snowmen,
Make snow angels,
And have a good time,
Shops are filled with loads of crazy people,
Hustling and bustling to get what they want for Christmas,
There's lots of last minute shopping,
It's just like Black Friday! What did you think of the poem I made? Comment below!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Snowman shirt, again?

Does anyone know why fantage is going to have the snowman shirt in Vintage Gold again? 
Is fantage already running out of items to put in Vintage Gold? Here's what I think about Vintage Gold... Good things about it: It's a good way of getting items you couldn't get before, you can get betas like green beta hair etc. flaws: It's extremely expensive, (It's really hard to get items if you're a non because the items are so expensive!) You're items aren't worth anything anymore. I really miss Trade 'n Sell. :( What do you like better, Trade 'n Sell or Vintage Gold? Comment below what you think!


Some recolors and edits :)

Here's some recolors and edits I made! :)

(This is not a recolor, It's a fantage celebrity, you can add it to the celebrities page, ally.) 

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas story...

What? Coal again? I don't get it! :( I'm always good, and yet I always get coal for Christmas. 
I even put Cookies and Milk out for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer. Then she thought, it must have been the Grinch! The Grinch does not like Christmas! The next morning there were presents under the tree and presents in her stocking!  Santa had come! :) 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Twas the night before christmas

Twas the night before christmas I tucked up in bed but before I made cookies and put them on the floor I kept hearing noises *ring ring * then I looked ooutside the window and saw Santa with his reindeers I couldnt believe it! I hid under my bed watching him putting candycanes and toys in our stockings and hiding presents under our christmas tree 


Hey guys! We got 5,000 views! Thank you everyone for helping us reach this accomplishment! :)
Okay, so here's just a random thing... What's your favorite part of an Oreo? The cookie or the cream? Comment below! lol :)


Thursday, December 19, 2013


1. fantage is going to be selling secretary santa hair in 2 days but i became a non yesterday so gonna have to beg my mom to buy me mwmbership TmT

2. holiday bash event is finally here ( santa will be coming on december 25th he better give me presents tuT

3. you can give gifts to your buddies or random people on fantage i have all the gifts :3

4. fantage added new items to vintage gold which are pink hedband and one tat also autumn boots + other things

well thats the news bye guys hope this helped <3

I saw kitastrofe!!!

ive seen her like about 6 or more times on fantage :3 even tho she disnt talk im still pretty happy to see her again lolz

winter drawing

here's meh drawing for winter I also posted it on my instagram @fantageally if you want me to draw you comment down

holiday blowout event/5 days till Christmas!!

Holiday Blowout is here! :)

Hey guys! The Holiday Blowout in fantage is finally here! Okay so here's what you can do...
First you can go to the Tree lighting at Mt. Fantage dress up in Blue, Red or Yellow, when it's time for the tree lighting, tickets will blast out! You can use your tickets to buy items at the Carnival. You can even give gifts to your friends clicking the GIFT icon on the top right corner of your screen!
Each gift costs 50 stars or eCoins, both Premium members AND Non members can give their buddy a gift! :) Here's a pic of the tree lighting! 
I even saw xstefanix! :) She's the fantagian in all the red on the left! =) Santa will be visiting fantage at Mt. Fantage the 25th! (Christmas day!) 
The limited items are so awesome! But no Non member items this time, sorry guys. :( 
You can also buy the limited pet Blizzy! You can even get a board! You can also ride "The Polar express" Here's a pic of xstefanix 
 :) That's all for now! Bye guys! 
What did you think of this post? Comment below!


Vintage Gold

Seriously fantage?
You've GOT to be kidding me! Why does fantage keep taking out shop items and putting them in Vintage Gold for like TWICE of what we could get it in Le shop Loco boardz etc. Fantage is going to lose users if they keep this up! No one wants shop items for double the price! And fantage is selling popular items, Beta users are probably angry and some of them probably quit, that's probably why fantage got rid of half of the servers! What do you think of Vintage Gold? Comment what you think below. =) 


Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hey guys! I saw kitastrofe in Vintage Gold! I got two pics of her! :) 
  She's really nice! I saw lots of things on google saying that she scammed, (back when TnS was still in fantage) 
Me:Kitastrofe.  Kitastrofe: Yes? Me: Did you really used to scam? Kitastrofe: Only scammers. Maybe she scammed scammers to get revenge or something? I don't know, I talked to her, and she's really nice, so that's probably the only reason she scammed. Here's a pic of me, kitastrofe, and retrovill456 she's also really nice! :) 


I'm back! :)

Hey guys! I've decided to come back to blogging, I just missed fantage Kittys  so much! :) 
Here's a pic I just made! 
And here's another I made earlier! 
 But... I will not be posting as often. :( As I said in my other post, I'm busy with school and everything. So anyways, I'm happy to be back! (Even though it was only like a day!) :D

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sad news...

Guys I'm so so so sorry, read below to see what I'm talking about...
I've decided to Quit blogging on and I'm sorry, but I just have school and I'm so busy. It doesn't mean I won't come on, I just won't come on quite as often. :( I'm really sorry, Ally, I understand if you're angry at me. :( I just don't have a lot of time for blogging. I definitely will still come on, but I just won't make posts, and  be on the Chat Box a lot. I might and I mean MIGHT return to blogging in a few months, but right now I'm sorry. I hope you guys understand.


Fantage Edit

Hey guys! This edit took me a LONG time to finish, anyways, here it is!!!
I'm kinda new to making edits and recolors, so it takes me a while to finish them. Hope you like it! :) Here's another edit 
:) This edit took me a long time to make too! :3

Recolor/Holiday Blowout!/Autumn Boots!

Hey guys! Here's an edit! It took me a long time to finally get it right! So, I hope you like it!
Fantage is going to have a Holiday Blowout on the 19th (Thursday) I'm so excited!!! :) Well, that's it! Oh, and also, Ally could you put this pic on the recolors/edits page please? Oh, and Vintage Gold is going to have Autumn boots!!!! :) 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Short contest :3

ok its not those big contests it just a normal one comment below what you think are the answers and i will advertise you on my blog and we will get to have random fun together and i might put you on youtube TuT also last prize is a drawing for you

• guess what my favorite christmas song is

• my favorite christmas movie

• would i dress like an elf or santa

• which is the first ever made beta santa hair that fantage made

I saw Sabrina10000!

Today must be my lucky day!!! I saw Sabrina10000! :) Don't believe me? Here's some pics! 
Someone was on her Username, so I couldn't show it, so here's one of her IDfone... 
I was going to add her, (You never know! She could accept) But by the time I was done taking the pics she went poof! :( Oh, well. Anyways, Ally, can you add this to the celebrities page please? :) 
Oh, and by the way, when I went on the Chat box today, someone had said mean stuff about fantage ally cats, it was really rude, I was going to ban the person but they weren't on anymore. :( 
